My learning environment plan


During this module, we focused on what it takes to build a positive classroom environment. I never really thought about the intent there was behind this, but it's very clear to me now that creating a positive safe warm classroom environment will not come by itself. Luckily this module equipped us with some clear strategies that we can use to help us achieve the learning environment that we are looking for, which will be different for each of us since we all have different expectations and ways of doing things. Also the expectations from students as to what is ‘a positive learning environment’ will be different depending on their cultural background, socio-economic background, abilities and even just their personalities. This is why it is so important- in my opinion- to include students in some of the decisions we make that will affect the classroom culture, and that we stay open and willing to adjust whenever needed.

Norms and behavior expectations are the foundation of what our classroom culture will feel like. I love how this is supposed to be a framework that is build together with and by the students. They have a voice in what is important to them, and as a teacher you have clear expectations when it comes to behavior. Writing all this down, together, sharing daily reminders if needed, updating these norms and expectations are key to making it work. Some parts of these norms we might take for granted but I learned it is crucial to reflect on them, discuss them, write them down, revise and rediscuss them if we want every individual to live by them.

If there is one of the strategies I had never really given any thought before this module, it’s definitely the transitions. When you think about it, it makes so much sense to include these into your learning environment plan. Children need structure. They will be less anxious if they know exactly what is going to happen and what is expected from them. Not only is it beneficial for students to build in transitions, also for the teacher it is essential to think about this. Having the students move into a group activity can easily take up 7min of your 50min time, if not thought through properly. Visualizing and practicing these transitions I believe is crucial for success.

Another important one is teaching with a growth mindset. Students are capable of a lot of things when they set their minds to it and it’s our responsibility to push our students and get the most out of them. Having high expectations for each and every single one of our students, is key to being a good teacher. Also for us as teachers it is important to set the bar high for ourselves. There is always room for growth when it comes to our own professional capabilities, e.g. finding different ways of instruction, personalizing instructions where needed, never giving up on a student, thinking out of the box…are just a few examples of how we as teachers can grow.

Parents are also a big part of the success. Either in a positive or negative way. Not all parents are equally engaged with the academic achievements of their children, not all parents will have the same priorities, not all parents will have the same expectations or the same values as the school or the teacher, nevertheless it is important that the school is reaching out and including them on a regular basis. The parents or guardians are the ones that know their children best and it’s important to build a trusting relationship from the start.

Luckily, there are some tools to help us with all of this. Tools that will help us with communication with parents, like for example class dojo. There are tools that will help us track behavioral problems, like SchoolMint hero, or that will help us avoid any behavior problems by engaging the children in a way they are motivated to follow the rules, the norms and the transitions.

Looking at videos of other teachers can be a huge help in identifying what is missing in a classroom or what is working well. When looking from a distance, often it is more clear what is happening and this can help us realize what  strategies to implement and which ones to dismiss in our own classroom. Learning by examples always works well, for students as well as teachers.

My learning Environment Plan
